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Featured Member – June 2018 – Andrew Gunning

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The CrossFit Training Yard community is filled with passionate, hard-working, and dedicated people that fiercely support each other in their pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. What we rarely see or hear about is what our members do outside the gym.  Passionate, hard-working, and dedicated perfectly describe this month’s featured member,  Andrew Gunning.

Andrew is a 1st Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps and is no stranger to being pushed to the limit (often with a 100lb pack!) He was first introduced to CrossFit in 2010 by a USMC recruiter who recommended it as a way to prepare for Officer Candidate School – a 10 week test that is meant to weed out the weak and leave only those mentally and physically strong enough to earn the title of Marine Officer…He passed the test and then some.

In  the gym, we see Andrew as someone who aims high and works hard to reach his goals. Competitive, yet supportive, he’s the guy who RXs Murph then goes back out to run the final 400m alongside others who have still yet to finish.

As he leaves on his 7-month military deployment, we thank him for his service and look forward to his safe return!

contributed by Anna Dalton